Lyric discussion by dbieon12 

Cover art for Higher lyrics by Creed

All of you disgust me to a degree I haven't seen or heard in several weeks.

Creed is a terrific band that may not appeal to everyone but in the mean time does not try to. To those who 'hate' Creed, I find it sad that you find the time and energy to dislike a band so much where you find it necessary to post about it. I listen to what pacifies my mind and provides me with a pleasant state of mind. Granted, the genres do change over the course of a day depending on my mood, but for the most part this band is incredible. They are not one of my favorites but they have produced music, an astounding feat alone that most of you couldn't equal, but is has been better than average music. I like many genres of music including rap and trance along with reggae.

To those trying to defend this song and it's meaning, do not bother any longer. It seems obvious from the posts that I have glanced through, that the authors have no true clue what they are talking about. The fact that they take, let alone have, the time to bash another person's music is intriguing. I have always found that if you don't enjoy something, or you aren't required to do it, then you should reconsider.

Regarding the meaning of the song, several meanings emerge in my mind including the influence of drugs, religion, and other a few other topics. If I would have to guess from the lyrics, the video, and the musicians themselves, it would be about 'lucid dreaming'.

Have fun and take care.