Lyric discussion by Dream MacLeod 

There's nothing like your little sister sticking up for you when you can't . . . and since I don't have a little sister or brother for that matter, I'm hoping I have a female friend/cousin who's ready to take out my girl if she finds her cheating and I don't know.

Basically, the sister finds out her sister-in-law is cheating on her brother and she takes things into her own hands and takes her out to the woods and does her in the back of the head and buried the body...and then takes out the guys who slept with her...and her brother in a fit of rage after being told by his best friend everything (excluding his sister's acts) goes up to his best friend's place - Andy - to give him what for and comes onto what is now a crime scene...he panics and sees a cop, flashes him down...and the rest everyone should be able to figure out. Her brother's the guy who was hung when the lights went out - though that may led you to believe he was put in the chair . . . they should have done a whole concept album and she should have ended up taking out the Sheriff, Judge, Mayor everyone who basically hung him without evidence, trial, etc.

Seems like it is kinda odd to want to hear about how she took out the judge or whatever.

Look at the situation...his wife was cheating on him with another man, and he was caught outside his house with the same gun that was used to kill him.

So, he was caught with a gun that fired the shots that killed the guy, he was immediately outside of his house, and he had the motive of him having stolen his girl.

There isn't a court on earth that would have found a guy innocent with all that evidence.

She didn't try to blame it on someone else. She just happened to use the gun that her brother would later grab and get caught with. She did it to get revenge like a devoted sibling would do. She didn't have a chance to say she was the one to pull the trigger.

1)Seth is the first name of "The Amos Boy" - - - - "That Amos Boy Seth" "He" is not given a name in the original version performed by Vicki Lawrence.

2)"He Fires a Shot Just to Flag 'Em Down."

3)The Lights Went Out in Georgia symbolizes that an injustice has been done and the citizens are 'Left in the Dark' about what really went on in this town. "He was hung by the neck until dead.

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