Lyric discussion by foreverdrone 

I expect many folks would characterize this as druggy ramblings; the impact of LSD and other drugs on Syd is probably overstated. IMO he was mentally ill, and also a genius (not an unusual combination).

LSD and other psychedelics are known for their ability to provoke the release of psychotic symptoms, but in nearly all cases this is occurs with someone whose underlying mental illness is already present. (I tend more toward depression and anxiety, and can attest that--in my case, anyway--tripping always made things much worse.)

Whether Syd was schizophrenic is harder to say. It does seem he became increasingly isolated and (using the shrink's jargon) in later stages displayed flattened affect i.e. blunted emotions.

But is categorization necessary? I am reminded of Szasz and Breggin's theories that we put people in a box labelled "insane" if they act and speak in ways we find confusing (or irritating) -- and that it may be more appropriate to regard these not as symptoms of illness, but as creative methods to cope and to find meaning when one is confronted by an overwhelming spiritual crisis.

The lyrics of "Rats" could be taken as "word salad" but I would consider a much more appropriate touchstone something akin to Finnegan's Wake, and other great works of stream-of-consciousness and/or surrealist literature. Also I would contend that such work resists analysis. Interpretation is irrelevant, and probably lessens one's enjoyment of the song. How does it sound, and how does it make you feel? That's what it means.

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