Lyric discussion by Helj 

Currently 32, and when this album was about to blow up I was in college (Freshman year). Lots of drinking, and probably too much ... and this album fit perfectly considering the number of songs that speak about drinking and parties, etc.

My take on this song was always different than some of the earlier discussion. Until I fall away is a reference to the fact that the relationship is destined to fail. The fact that he says "Until I fall away" implies that it's just a matter of time until he falls out of love and the relationship ends. He also explains that it doesn't take him very long to blow his relationships (I wont keep us waiting long)

Think of a guy who realizes that the relationship he's in, once again, isn't going to be permanent. Re-read the lyrics (or listen to this amazing song) with that in mind and see what you think.

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