Lyric discussion by Orange Morendo this song, yea, he's talking about life-lessons. It seems like he's talking about love. He's comparing himself to saints, whom must live without wives (I think). To him, saints waste their passions by not using them to love like they should. He thinks he's alike. He might be lonely or something, cuz he considers himself to be asleep. So if he sews his heart on his sleeve (and morally for saints, that's wrong so they'd tell on him and drop the bomb on him) something will hit him hard enough to wake him up. Like, make him realize how stupid he's been living like a saint. Saints are restricted so he can only fix so much while he's asleep. And he sees living as a saint as drinking from an empty cup. Waste of your time. (not literally. Just how saints do the love thing). The next lines "I know I shouldn't think bad thoughts..." He feels there's alot of pressure on him. He's learning a life-lesson, I guess. So he's gotten wiser now. He can take someone's thoughts and make them new with half the effort. Maybe he's learned how to use time wisely. And he can see through phony love attempts. "Lofty endearments (full of trash). He's learned to let go some. Ease his mind, seizing each new day. Seizing love but wisely. "Beyond and back...etc..." He's not dead yet, so he's probably got more life lessons to learn before then. That was hard...but that was my jumbled take on this song.

hmmmmmmmmmm.. well put! i like that idea! altho i think its more general than that. i think hes trying to say he wants to be more open in life: "Maybe if I sew my heart on my sleeve" and that theres so many things that get in your way: "And in between I'm trying to break my fall".

i think the punk aspect adds to the fact that it sounds more general but i do like your theory!

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