Lyric discussion by naivada 

Cover art for Try Not To Breathe lyrics by R.E.M.

ncc, small correction if I may, Cobain actually did killed himself 2 years after the release of 'Automatic' 10.92. michael did write a song about him; it was on the follow up 'monster' one that's called 'let me in' if I can remember well. and not that it matters so much to relate those 2 events together I beleive but Kurt killed himself on April 5th 94. and adding to that regarding the humanity and beauty that vehiculates rem's music I don't think any song by this band could ever get a reasonably sone person to commit suicide.... so anyway this is a beautiful track, the melodies, and the words but as far as the things I've read here they seem pretty restricted in their analysis, just wanting to to see a song being about this r that. what''s the point? to me even if it could be just as plain and simple ( pointless) versions like those are just a lil too litteral making straight depictions and simplifying the all thing to some chosen subject couldn't be the best way to look at a piece of 'poetical' lyrics. even more so when it comes to lyrics like those. espacially when you know Stipe usual tricky type of lyrics and used to play with many emotional images through words. it's always easier then it seems, many lines taken apart and isolated from the rest may give this or that hint, but plain deduction to decide this is about suicide instead of trying to get the emotion behind, just a human thought, the desire to leave before the decay. to not make suffer anyne you love. (everybody hurts) to reach for something beyond, and leave all pain and disapointements behind.