Lyric discussion by TremulentESP 

I hear Omar Rodriguez (the band's guitarist/writer/producer) on some San Diego station almost a year ago and he explained what the band name meaning was. He said that he was very much into Roman mythology and Mars is the god of war, and some screen play writer or something (I forgot the name) used the word 'volta' as 'contridiction'. So he said, The Mars (roman god of war) Volta (a contridiction) had the meaning of "The Peace Bringers" So there you go :). Band meaning done.

the volta reference came from writer/director federico fellini

@TremulentESP Not exactly..the bandnames origin differs a bit.. Cedric stated in an interview about the Band name: --‐----------------- "The 'Volta' is taken from a Frederico Fellini book about his films, what he characterizes as a changing of scene, or a turnaround; a new scene to him is called Volta.And Mars, we're just fascinated by science fiction so and it's something that ultimately looked as in anything I write, its meaning is always up to the listener. As the way we write songs and words, if it looks great on paper then to us it's like painting, so if it looks good...

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