Lyric discussion by nuttinbutnate 

This song really needs no explanation. The title pretty much is enough. I'm 25 now and I have to say it is only now that I have had a clue about the passage of time. As a 10 year old I truly believed that I would never get old. But now I can look back 10 years and wonder where the heck it went. Now for the first time I see that I really am going to get old. I'm sure there are plenty of 45+ people who would tell me I don't have a clue about the passage of time. It is true that they understand it more deeply than us twenty-somethings but I think it is such a shock and such a new idea to a person in their mid twenties and I think it is out of that twenty-something shock that Roger Waters wrote that song. It would almost be too painful for an older person to write a song like Time.

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