Lyric discussion by Bluewaves 

Pretty brutal, disturbing lyrics. It tells the story of "date rape" and knockout drugs like GHB. The main character, Johnny, is obviously a hideously amoral person who first knocks out his victims. Names don't matter, personalities don't matter, souls don't matter. They're just "sex machine" bodies to him. They might as well all be named Paulene, for all Johnny cares. When the last "Paulene" doesn't cooperate (she evidently stays awake and probably resists), he takes violent action against her, ripping out hair and probably doing worse to her, because Paulene is left in either a drugged, zombie-like stupor (not quite living, not quite dead), or she is in a coma. Brutal story. Should be enough to shock any listener into understanding, and being disgusted by, the realities of "date rape" drugs.

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