Lyric discussion by Mr.Me 

Cover art for My Moon My Man lyrics by Feist

hey, i'd love to be in Parliament. There's some funk you could shake your moon to.

But yeah, I'm fully convinced this is not about anal sex. I can see how it's dirty, but not how someone might consider it a "dirtiest clean." Sex is never clean, particularly when it involves lots of sweat, spit, lube, and the ol' pooper.

couple of other lines that preclude anal sex:

  • "heart on my sleeve"
  • "Shed some light on me please"
  • "The song's out of key again"
  • "so changable and/ such a lovable lamb to me"

What these lines tell is of a primarily emotional content. I tend to think this song is about a meaningful but sometimes difficult relationship. The dirty clean to me seems to be a stable relationship bought by a somewhat uncomfortable level of compromise. They're both deeply invested, so she needs him to take it slow and easy.