Lyric discussion by Sargtlin 

Any true fan of any band would take their word for it when they say something. Thus, if you can't take their word for it and believe them when they say it's about vampires rather than sex you aren't really that devoted to them, are you?

@Juggalos2d: Guessing werewolves based on the videos was a nice guess. However, vampires also have the ability to transform into wolves as well as bats, though they're mostly associated with bats in cartoons and movies, probably to minimize confusion with werewolves. When it comes to changing into their animal forms the main difference between a vampire and a lycanthrope is that a vampire can change at will. A lycanthrope can become able to change at will or resist changing in the light of the full moon, but it requires incredible effort and a strong will to do so.

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