Lyric discussion by Brat Moj 

There's more to it than that. I hear a lot of Nietzsche in this song, and on this particular album in general. He is not striving to become "something more than human" although you're close. He is saying he has experienced life, and his experiences have contributed to his philosophies and beliefs. You are human, so you can never be "more than human", but you can strive to be a "higher form" of human (Nietzsche called it the übermensch) that has freed himself/liberated his ego from popular morality. However, he is not saying "follow me to this new humanity" because that would negate the entire concept of the free spirit. Nietzsche said these people justify the existence of humanity.

Whether or not Dane meant for it to have that kind of meaning, that's what it makes me think, which is interesting.

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