Lyric discussion by groupshrink 

some of you people obviously don't know very much about who Princess Diana or John Elton were/are. Yes, the original is a very very good song about an amazing woman who was pressured by many people around her, and who died far before her time. Diana probably liked that song very much because she felt somewhat similar to Marylin Monroe. Elton John wasn't being cheap in any way. If you listen to the song, you can feel his emotion, for the death of a very close friend of his. He took a song that she liked and was somewhat similar to her life, and rewrote it for her. It was a tribute to her. Why would he write a new song to make money? Yes, we still have landmines in the world and AIDS but she helped tremendously with that and so much more. Some of your comments are very inmature, because i doubt you would be thinking the same thing if you had been in her position.

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