Lyric discussion by xXlastgoodbyeXx 

"by Imber on 05-07-2006 @ 05:19:48 PM
This is a part of Patrick that we've never really seen: that there is an animalistic part of him; he can be angry, unrelenting."

A part of Patrick that we've never really seen before? Really? To me it seems this song is very much along the lines of Tristan, The Childcatcher, Don't Say No etc.

It's an amazing song - don't get me wrong. It is incredible, inventive lyrics, beautiful voice, fascinating instrumental, I love it. But it's not a side of Patrick we haven't seen before. He stays reasonably consistent with producing Patrick-y masterpieces.

I was, at the time, talking about him personally. I hadn't felt like I'd heard him express as directly that part of his OWN personality before.

Also I was listening to PW before anyone knew who he was. Now I'm bored.

Seeing what I wrote about him when I was 17 is amusing, however.

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