Lyric discussion by SuitBoy 

Sex and artistic outcast status rolled up as one. Nigger could be nigger, or it could be freak, or queer or punk. Any word that sets one aside from mainstream society, 'outside of society', and which implies societies rejection or disapproval. And nigger was probably the most powerful. She's staking ground - making a claim, and at the same time declaring allegiance.

And at the same time, from Babelogue and the middle section, there's sex and art. Women's perspective, I guess, and a woman's experience of sex that seems to drive so much of 'Horses' - the complete absorption of the 'I was lost...' lines. A moment beyond one's self, where all else is lost to sensation.

And the link - the equation of the two, art and sex - the rush of sex, and the rush of rock'n'roll, or performance, that's so obvious in her performances from the time.

Patti Smith was obsessed with sexuality and masturbation. her one regret was that she didn't know about it sooner :P

she believed that sex, art and rock and roll were all linked and that was what she was trying to acheive, mixing all three.

Patti also began using the word 'nigger' in everyday life and caused a lot of controversy because of it, even though it wasn't meant to be offensive

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