Lyric discussion by eoin 

not sure if anyone has touched on this (can't read all 4 pages!)

but i really think this song is about two people that AREN'T over each other, at all, but spend the length of the song convincing themselves that they are, because a relationship is doomed. he may make an advance to see if it's possible, but she turns him down. then if they can just survive the cab ride home, they'll be ok.

they meet at a party, they realize they hadn't seen each other in forever, and there probably wasn't closure. i mean, if they didn't care about each other at all still, why did the share a cab?

she thinks he is sad, but he replies "i was just trying to remember your name" to me, this seems like more a defensive response than anything else "oh, no i wasn't hurt, i was just trying to remember who you were."

then in the end she keeps repeating "live through this and you won't go back", like "my god i want to say yes, but i can't, it won't work, it won't work." it's not that they don't want each other, just that they've been there and it can't happen again.

The line that REALLY solidifies this idea of convincing themselves is when she says "It's nothing but time and a face that you lose." as if you can throw both away on a whim. These are possibly THE TWO most important things people have...and she's telling herself that it's ok to lose both. Time? You don't get time back. You lose it, it's gone forever, you only have a certain amount, and NO ONE knows how much that is, could be 10 minutes or 50years...the idea that she's willing to toss that away just shows how hard she's trying. And I'd be mortified if i memories of a loved one. Try remembering fond memories of an ex lover? it starts out easy, then slowly it takes longer and longer to recall the exact details of it all, and really it's a heartbreaking thing, to think that you've spent so much time with someone to only have time wipe your memory away...that's why we have photos and letters and home video, to keep faces and memories fresh.

ok, ending my book.

I read your book, and I like it.

first songmeanings post! love the way you worded "and really it's a heartbreaking thing, to think that you've spent so much time with someone to only have time wipe your memory away"

ache ache ache!

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