Lyric discussion by Frenzy54 

Now i completely agree, with the idea before, but personally i feel the meaning being expanded from just a girl, to a man's God. Mostly comeing from many of other of Hurts songs which seem to be both talking about a man's girl and a man's God. I think the narrator is going through some major type of depression/bi-polar and and feels he can never acheive happies and"needing that thing we call fun" he escapes his pain and rejects his Gog for the god Morphious (drugs) and his wonderful dream that has made him feel better in the past, but now he is addicceted and built up a resistance, which drives him to overdose. My main idea is that it has to be dealing with an unexpected revelation of a seemingly inpersonal and non-responsive God, and now he blames him. He begins to reject all the notients of a benevolent God, and ask for "one reason to think that [God is] decent"

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