Lyric discussion by Shetani 

Cover art for Jennifer's Body lyrics by Hole

I've always gotten the meaning that this song is about an incestous family. It's talking about a brother and sister who somewhere in their life, their family was either killer or they were abandoned and along the way, the son goes insane over the girl and doesn't believe her to be his sister, or develops a lust for her. Some of it is from her point of view, and some from another, which I believe is an FBI investigation.

" I know it, I can't feel it Well, I know it enough to believe it And I know it, I can't see it But I know it enough to believe it"

Here, I get the feeling it's Jennifer talking about the anxiety built up in her. She can't feel her brother near her physically, but she's been abused so many times in the past that she mentally knows he'll be back to hurt her more.

"It's bettering you, it's bettering me My better half has bitten me It's bettering you, it's bettering me Sleeping with my enemy Myself Myself"

Here, she's torn. 'It's bettering you', it's making him better. At times, he seems normal to her (Which I will explain later) and like a brother. 'It's bettering me'. This sounds like a symptom of Stockholm Syndrome. She's been abused so much that she finds it's making her stronger, though she's actually weaking. The 'Sleeping with my enemy; myself' can be possibly two things. Her sane half, the moral half, knows it's wrong what he's doing but she can't break herself away from him, so her enemy is her insane half. I also find that vice versa. Her insane half finds the moral half an enemy because it's going towards what he's told her.

"The pieces of Jennifer's body Found pieces of Jennifer's body Found pieces of Jennifer's body"

Here is where it helps me believe she killed her brother. It's the FBI work looking all over for the evidence and what happened to this woman, and he's finding different things of her. She's lost her mentality. Finding it in a journal, finding it on photos, pictures, things like that. It's finding pieces of her that she's lost.

"Just relax, just relax, just go to sleep Just relax, just relax, just go to sleep"

This part, her brother is normal and cooing her to go to sleep, to relax, that whatever has happened that night is over with.

"You're hungry, but I'm starving"

She's describing his lust for her body. Basically saying that you're hungry for my body, I'm starving to get out of this. I take it that way, or that she's starving herself to either kill herself.

"He cuts you down from the tree"

He decides that he's tired of her, and decides to cut her from the tree - the family tree.

"He keeps you in a box by the bed Alive, but just barely"

These two lines have a lot of different meaning for me. One could be that by 'box', when you're insane, you're in a padded 'box' room. She's insane and he's keeping her that way. Another way that I see it is that he sees her as a pet, because pets sleep in boxes at time. 'Alive, but just barely' could mean he's resorted to starving her as well, which might refer back to the line 'You're hungry, but I'm starving', or that every other part of her has been killed by him, and she's only alive physically.

"He said, "I'm your lover, I'm your friend I'm purity, hit me again"

Stockholm Syndrome. She's tried going against him. He in turn brainwashes her and says "What are you doing? I'm your purity, your lover, your friend." The last part "Hit me again" is more of a taunt. He's basically putting the message that since he's purity, he won't hurt her if she hurts him.

"With a bullet, number one, kill the family, save the son Himself Himself"

All other family is dead but them. 'Kill the family' means killing her with a bullet, and saving himself from the police.

"The pieces of Jennifer's body Found pieces of Jennifer's body Found pieces of Jennifer's body Just relax, just relax, just go to sleep Just relax, just relax, just go to sleep Now you're mine..."

I have two theories about this verse.

I believe that he shot her and she was wounded, but she didn't get up or he thought she was dead. He coos himself to sleep and she gets the gun, with the final words 'Now you're mine' and kills him.

Another is that he tells her to go to sleep again and shoots her in her sleep, killing her.

That's just my thoughts on the song.