Lyric discussion by Kr0n 

so many lines to comment on, i'll try and keep it short.

"With some friendly fire, that’s a funny term, like civil war." lol, who came up with those terms?

"They tell me that it's not that bad. And it fucks you up good, but its not that bad." I like this line a lot, and it's true.

"God save us all if he lets the cat out the bag" I personally take this line as saying, if we were told the truth about some things, mass hysteria would follow. A bit of an extreme/absurd example would be if we were told about what REALLY happened on 9/11. can you imagine? people would go nuts.

Obviously, i could be totally wrong, considering that one line is taken out of the context of the whole song. But nobody else's opinion on what the meaning is really matters to me. makes sense, no?

I agree with Ueley. Aesop Rock and the Def Jux people were all i listened to, then i heard sage. turns out there's plenty of hip hop that is worth listening to. especially when it's someone telling the truth regularly, like sage francis.

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