Lyric discussion by hopeful_canyon 

Words cannot express how much this song means to me, how much I love it. I got the CD during christmas break, when I was really sad and lonely. I played this song over and over.

Initially, I took the lyrics literally. I related to them. Someone has been alone all their life and wants someone, wants happiness and love and all that good stuff, but doesn't expect they will ever get that. I have never been in any relationship, and while I'm young, it still hurts to see so many other people happy, in love, with someone and knowing that I'm alone. This song makes me sad and happy at the same time. The lyrics can offer hope, and even became sort of a mantra for me "hold on tight, wait for tommorrow, you'll be alright."

But at the same time, "don't know how to get you out of this one" proves that no one can do this for you, you have to help yourself.

Once I read other people's comments, I noticed that the lyrics could be slightly sarcastic, reflecting someone who gives themself away too easily because they fear being alone. "It feels good, is that reason enough for you?" The person feels good about themself at the time, but it's not a permanent feeling, and when they finish with a meaningless relationship, they go back to feeling bad.

This song is great because different people can relate to it. Personally, I relate to the first version I gave. This song makes me feel better. I heard Joe wrote it for his sister.

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