Lyric discussion by berlie91 

"Dream October is another relationship song that I wrote after a breakup and because of the content, we've had some funny things happen to us over the years. It's pretty obvious that we're all Christian guys and we play at a lot of churches, but with some Christian Radio, your statement of beliefs is expected to be forefront in your music. Because of this, when we were starting out, a radio director once told us that he got a lot of criticism for playing this song. While I can understand where these people are coming from and can see why they feel Christian music should contain certain lyrical elements, I think it's also important to look at the overall message in the song. Dream October is about looking back on a failed relationship and wondering how things could go from being so good in October, to completely broken a few months later. Believe it or not, the song is autobiographical and in looking back and trying to figure out what went wrong, I realized I had made a lot of mistakes, particularly when it came to communicating. Because I took the time to look at the situation, I really believe I learned a lot about myself. It's a very big generalization, but when you look at history, whether it's with the church, politics, business, etc. you will find that people make the same mistakes over and over again. While it certainly isn't a blatant Christian message, I do think there's a lot you can get out of this song." - Nathan Piché (Article One)

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