Lyric discussion by Seymour Jugs 

Sleeping Bag is the saddest song I've ever heard in the history of my entire life. Several years ago I remember hearing this song every now and then on the radio. When I first began to listen to this type of music I learned that Mark Hennessey, the lead singer of Paw, wrote this song and dedicated it to his younger brother. He was hit by a car when they were just kids and Mark feels guilty because he thinks that he somehow could have saved him. Mark only had one brother and it broke his heart when he died, because they were such great friends.

The last stanza of this song tears me up.

By the way, you're welcome Zach. You deserve everything that Grunge music has to offer. No other type of music will entertain you more, no other type of music will teach you more, and no other type of music will make you wonder how it could be so incredible, yet no longer exists.

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