Lyric discussion by BlackdahliaFanXxX 

Half you people are fucking retarded Statutory Rape what the fuck is this shit?!?! Its Staturory APE you fucking felcher. ANyway yeah who ever said this was an anti-war song go play on traffic your dumb. Do you people know what Band this is and what the hell they stand for?!?!? again half of you people are retarded!

Clearly, bdfXxX, you're the fucking felcher here. If you cannot see what is plainly before you, as well as blasting into your fucking ears at however many damned WATS our headphones carry, then yes, you are, indeed, a hypocrite. The song IS about being against war, and how the act of war itself is like rape. I agree with more than half of the people who have posted on here, mainly blind_247 because he/she seems to know what they are fucking saying. So before you feel like going about and judging everyone else here, go fuck yourself.

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