Actually a correction on my comment, I meant to post the following...
Boy meets girl,
Boy and girl fall in love,
Boy and girl have fight
Girl leaves boy for good
Boy begs her to stay
Girl wants nothing to do with boy,
Boy gets pissed and says "wait just a minute!"
Girl doesn't give him a chance
Boy has broken heart
He tries to save the relationship and uses the "I never had a chance to love you" line. Meaning he was stupid for never showing his true colors. Now that she's leaving, he sees the mistake he made with her.
Actually a correction on my comment, I meant to post the following...
Boy meets girl, Boy and girl fall in love, Boy and girl have fight Girl leaves boy for good Boy begs her to stay Girl wants nothing to do with boy, Boy gets pissed and says "wait just a minute!" Girl doesn't give him a chance Boy has broken heart
He tries to save the relationship and uses the "I never had a chance to love you" line. Meaning he was stupid for never showing his true colors. Now that she's leaving, he sees the mistake he made with her.
Sorry about that, folks!