Lyric discussion by Nihasa 

Cover art for My Wild Love lyrics by Doors, The

i dont think Jim ever wrote a song negative about drugs. drugs were to him what Christ is to Christians. so i dont think it's about drugs. i think opinion head was right the first time. it's about a woman who asked the devil for a favor and then the devil retured and wanted his favor back, so she ran, and ran and ran, hiding from the devil. And she never stopped, she lived out the rest of her life, running from the devil she's in debt to, even though it drove her insane.

i think this song can go back on how alot of people live their lives always taking and takin and never giving back. it could be a metaphor for man kind in all.


Omg like Jim himself, Nihasa allows for his own vulnerabilities to be placed on high. Empathy is a gift one aquires through the immense pain said vulnerabilities leave one open to. But this isn't even worth ones reflection on. Hell I will ramble for days, make no sense at all if it means keeping the darkness a true American rebel/hero (sober or high you f@#$ idiots) introduced to A country suffering from P.T.S.D. What truly scares me is real intuition being sacrificed at the alter of yesterday's trippy drug orgy. Because that my friends, is something that you...