Lyric discussion by howwitty 

Cover art for Sweet Dreams (Are Made Of This) lyrics by Eurythmics

Ok, this is a little off topic, but I'd like to address a couple of things that I think clearly indicate a severe lack of intelligence with regard to the Marilyn Manson cover. I don't know much about this song, or about why Marilyn Manson covered it; I just think that two users in particular are having some bigger problems with understanding it. I think TruthSpeaker used "666" in reference to the Marilyn Manson cover, which I think is really lame. I think its lame because Marilyn Manson has no direct relation to the "number of the beast" and referencing it is just stupid idea that people will think you are more 'dark' or 'hardcore'. I think that gtkleee151 is an idiot for thinking that all Marilyn Manson does is "dress in all black and curse and yell about all the negativities in life." I think he or she is an idiot because most of the music by Marilyn Manson that I have heard (Antichrist Superstar, Holy Wood, Mechanical Animals, etc) is alluding to social or psychological issues that he thinks that people should pay attention to, such as religion, bullying, fame, drugs. Things that I'm sure he has had experiences with and is now expressing distaste for. I think its appropriate to scream about it. I think its Howling (Allen Ginsberg) in a different way, more suited to our modern culture.

Not to sound too pretentious :)

But would you pay attention some 16 year old on the internet who thinks he knows everything, or someone famous who is screaming at you for not caring about the problems that make a difference in the lives of the people around you?

I totally agree with you!! I LOVE THIS SONG!!!

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