Lyric discussion by eze 

Cover art for Be Quick Or Be Dead lyrics by Iron Maiden

I was listening to this song this morning on my ipod, I was walking thru an intersection, I had the pedestrian crosswalk light right of way, but a few steps in the street and out of the corner of my eye a f#*kin' speeding hi- performance sports car turns straight at me and comes with in inches of reorganizing my organs all over the road. "be quick or be dead" is blaring, I'm cussing the dude out, (i should have kicked his hood in hindsight) and as I finish walking across I discover the true meaning of "snake eyes in heaven"

@eze carry a brick with you next time,that should leave a nice dent on his paintwork,then if he gets out the car and comes for you get in quick and put a dent in him.

@eze carry a brick with you next time,that should leave a nice dent on his paintwork,then if he gets out the car and comes for you get in quick and put a dent in him.

@eze carry a brick with you next time,that should leave a nice dent on his paintwork,then if he gets out the car and comes for you get in quick and put a dent in him.