Lyric discussion by Septina 

Okay, clearly this song has confused many people (observing the lack of helpful comments...) so a friend and I decided to figure out the meaning on our own:

"In fiscal flight from the ravenous cavernous orifice asphyxiated form"

firstly, fiscal means something along the lines of 'financial matters,' and orifice means something to the effect of a hole, for those who missed the link to so graciously offered above.

This sounds as if the main person in this song is running from a hungry, large hole and it has something to do with financial issues... which sounds a lot like someone running from bankruptcy, so maybe the Ambulance Chaser is in deep trouble and desperate to find clients in order to get out.

'asphyxiated form' could very well refer to how the ambulance chaser feels about coming so close to bankruptcy, but on second thought, 'form' sounds like someone's already literally suffocated and I'm doubting that it's the ambulance chaser.

"Washed in wolves blood sterile and pantomimed parting in parts the trial of the worm"

'Washed in wolves blood' could be talking about the asphyxiated person - the person that the ambulance chaser's trying to get as his or her next client. The wolves blood could be sort of symbolic of the bad guy's crime - the bad guy who did the asphyxiation, and the suffocating person is 'washed' in it because... well, they're suffocating.

'sterile and pantomimed' - sterile means "free from living germs or microorganisms; aseptic" and that's straight from Pantomimed is like communication through gestures without speaking. It is considered an art sometimes and can be accompanied by music, but I think what it means in this case is the inability the suffocated victim has for speech. I also think 'sterile' is referring now to the hospital, as the patient is taken into the emergency room. I know hospitals are probably not nearly clean enough to be called 'sterile' but perhaps that was what it was talking about regardless of the facts.

'parting in parts the trial of the worm' I quite frankly have no idea what the trial of the worm is - when searched on google it has maybe two hits; one is about an experiment at some research lab on worms and the other is about a scene in the Dungeons and Dragons Dvd's or books; I wouldn't know, I don't generally keep tabs on Dungeons and Dragons. So I assume that this means the ambulance chaser is trying to get the patient to press charges against whoever hurt them.

"Sew the lid closed cough and spit into your palm with charitable charm"

'Sew the lid closed" - close the coffin lid, so we're assuming the patient died. 'cough and spit into your palm with charitable charm' - either someone's making a deal or the ambulance chaser is at the funeral, pretending to be sad, perhaps? Any ideas for that one? It was a tough one.

"Slap the bad mans wrist insist disarm"

Pretty obvious. They're sentencing the accused to whatever sentence he deserves.

"Do the math the path is a narrow one it led me down to a cold and shallow grave"

This goes along with the next verse:

"On my tombstone I read the epitaph 'Here lies a man who lived and died a slave'"

So in both of these it's from either the ambulance chaser's point of veiw and he's lamenting that his life was a waste of energy and time, and that he was like a slave to his job and he forewarns others to not be like him, or it's talking abot the patient's life.

"Till the vexing that his hex annexing animates his glorious distresses"

Annexing means: "To append or attach, especially to a larger or more significant thing. To add or attach, as an attribute, condition, or consequence." This is a continuation (in my mind) of what was previously said; "... lived and died a slave till the vexing that his..." it seems to fit smoothly as one sentence. So, this man, whoever we're talking about, either the patient or the ambulance chaser, lived and died a slave (presumably to his job) until other's vexing (caused by him bestowing something, almost a curse, on them; perhaps they're indicating that he himself is a curse [hence 'hex annexing']) animate, or become something of a reflection of his own great distress.

"Serve the right foor raw so flawed undressed"

'Undressed' seems to say that the ambulance chaser has long hept hidden under a mask and his true personality, selve and feelings are not shown; however, they are saying, 'serve the right foot raw' like they are telling him to become himself 'so flawed undressed' because the ambulance chaser (or maybe the deceased patient, though it's doubtful) believes that he is flawed underneath it all.

"Semi conscious concentration Christmas cards and suffocation Ambulances beckon bodies tires squealing sirens wailing"

This seems like some kind of flash back or a very present tense scene described in a close up way. It is possibly meant to describe the patient's last moment or the ambulance chaser's continuation of his job as it ever plods on, another case finished and another in his path. 'Christmas cards and suffocation' seems like a bit of an oximoron, but I believe that 'christmas cards' was meant to be a random memory from the past and a result of 'semi-concious concentration.'

There are several different ways to interpret this song; another would be to assume this is all from the ambulance chaser's point of veiw as he dies;

The beginning, with the whole fiscal flight bit, would remain the same (bankruptcy theory) but the rest would be flashbacks of his seemingly pointless life, with the end being his last moments.

Or perhaps this song is a lament for one of the band's friends who died or maybe it was never made to make sense or maybe if you played the sonf backwards it would say something and everything is random in that sense. There's also the possibility that whoever wrote it was on drugs or extremely depressed. It may have been a poem or maybe it used to make sense until they synonymed all of the words... you never know.

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