Lyric discussion by ieatseeds 

Just listening to this song as a whole... I get this odd interpretation of it.. even the first bit 'vial of hope, vial of pain, in the light they both look the same'.... it makes me think of some drugs, maybe not real drugs, but just anything that is your drug, anything that keeps you going (perhaps in this case, religion, your bible) and how drugs are the cause of and solution to all your problems... and when you really think about your drug, as much as it makes you feel good it also makes you feel kinda like crap. Being addicted to anything (food, xanax, percocets, dope, crack, the bible, being a peeping tom, touching little girls or boys...whatever it may be) is unhealthy....

and also the whole in the city you see only lies lyric is like... the bible to living in the city, living in the fastpaced world that is ... now.....

has a whole bible of its own.. and whole set of rules... a set of rules that mostly just reinforces how insignificant everyone is.

see this is what i like about arcade fire--- i can interpret their songs any freakin way I want and almost... take a different meaning from it every time i listen.... Rock and roll can save the world---I sound like a dick.

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