Lyric discussion by Mickeyjr3000 

I liked some of the interpretations here...I think it's possible that (as someone said on the first page) that the song functions as a metaphor...drowning in water (and being rescued), and possibly a person in a coma in the hospital.

When I hear this song, I see a picture in my mind...a scene...of this person who is being rescued from drowning out in the sea, rescuers trying to revive him, but the rescued person who IS/ISN'T revived.

I like the theory that it is an out of body experience for the individual who is rescued. When someone commented that we should pay close attention to the lyric "I saw two of me there" I got another clue about the narration of the song...I think.

It sounds right that the first stanza is sung by the drowned individual. The beginning of the next stanza is sung by the rescuer. When the rescuer/narrator says "I saw two of me there," afterwards, it's like the narration changes, and the next two lines are said by the drowned person.

"There's an ugly buzz that hovers just above the quiet. I found a way to make it silent" Especially in the second line the singer (Ben) slows down and his voice gets quieter. I think these lines refer to the buzz and noise around the rescue scene...the crowd of people around, or the noise of the rescuers moving around, shouting orders, as they try to save the person. The person finds a way to make it silent...IMO, this is as though the person mentally blocks out the noise...and it is at this time, that the person has 'decided' not to wake up (if you believe that the person dies in the end).

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