Lyric discussion by Aulakauss 

I can't even begin to explain the impression this song left on me. It's hard to describe what I was feeling tonight as I stood there in the audience of a Flyleaf and Three Days Grace show and this song was introduced. I remember feeling ... horrified at what this woman did to herself, but amazed at how she was saved and able to live to tell Lacey her story so that others could be warned and aware. Lacey said that a woman approached her and told her that she used to think marriage and children would solve all her problems, that she'd be happy for ever after. But her husband abused her so badly that she no longer wanted to wake up in the morning so she poured gasoline on herself and lit herself on fire. She said it was such terrible pain that she just prayed for release and then she passed out in a coma. When she woke up and found that she was alive, she knew there was a god and that she had the opportunity to tell her story to others. That is true courage and faith. Praise God! Rock on, Lacey! You're beautiful! And God bless, lady.

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