Lyric discussion by JBIII 

this song is NOT about being raped. Yea she was raped, so the fuck what, that doesn't mean you have to look for it as a subject where it's not.

This is what she said the song was about in a 1997 interview with Tracey Pepper:

FA: When [video director] Mark Romanek showed me his treatment, I called Andy [Slater, Apple's manager] and said, "This is Fiona taking off her clothes in the kitchen; Fiona lying by the pool naked; Fiona in underwear, naked." Then I called Mark and we talked about his idea that the song is about guilty pleasures and sexual deviance - me being in this house full of people, going around and experimenting, feeling a little bad about it, but enjoying it all the same. It corresponded with my meaning of the song.

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