Lyric discussion by xiiyota 

Cover art for Dumb Things lyrics by Paul Kelly

Yeah i believe this song is about doing crazy stupid things without any conscious thought, or caring about consequences. Like being drunk for instance, you're like "in the middle of a dream".

The "i see knives out" part, i think represents danger and risks this person is trying to avoid, until he hears a 'train coming', which is bigger and hits harder than a knife and because this person is an idiot he stays on the track and falls into danger.

The second verse kinda represents how people are usually like in a drunk-state. They 'get caught in the fever' and think that they are in love with people. Then the verse continues with 'started howling, made no sense' like they are on top of the world without a single worry on them, just a bunch of kids having fun. And the 'i thought my friends would rush to my defence' is pretty self explanitory, when all your friends are as drunk as you are...there is really nobody else out there to help you. =O