Lyric discussion by cowboyupinblue 

Tihs song is about feeling like you're suffocating and as hard as you try, as hard as you swim to get to the surface and just breathe, there is a layer of ice keeping you. He may even have intended it as something you can see through, but cannot pass.

He is living in the three inches between the water's surface and the layer of ice. Keeping his head above water is all he can do, but that's where he's always going to be. He's going to grow older, his dreams and crazy youthful ambitions will find themselves boiled down to paying the bills, and eventually he'll start a family. And he'll be just like his father.

He is no savior, no saint, no hero; he is going to be just like his father. Just like I am. And just like everybody is, because that is the cycle of life. But the hope is in that you shouldn't be afraid of it, because it is calm. He tells you not to be frightened of turning the page and to just accept it, because those are the bounds of reality and of mortality.

Ultimately the feeling is of contentment, not pessimism.

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