Lyric discussion by suclid003 

sebharper - You might be onto something. Maybe it's coincidence. To me, a ghost of someone flying over the town looking at life without them seems like a well-known theme in art and music. So I dunno. But it's cool that you can make those connections. This song seems really personal to him, so I doubt that he did it intentionally. If he wanted the listener to relate to that, wouldn't he have more stuff from the play? So I dunno. You really could be right. He could have been inspired by the play.

I like how this song captures the feeling of flying. I don't know why, but it just does. I think it's the running electronic or whatever line in the background, like it's flowing like the two of them or just his sister flying over the town. By the way, the music video for this song's really weird. I think it has a carrot singing the words.

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