Lyric discussion by offdutyninja17 

Disturbed worship the devil. JUST LOOK AT THIS SONG! THey will burn in hell with all of their fans if they do not change they're sinful ways and get involved into an evangelical organization. "For Jesus so loved the world, he gave one of his sons to us, that if you believe in Jesus, you will live eternally in heaven" -John 3:16. Those are GOD's words himself. If you don't change your evil ways you will burn forever in a lake of brimstone and fire along side Disturbed, Marilyn Manson, Slayer, Korn, Elvis, and Madonna. Godsmack too. TIME IS RUNNING OUT, you have to get saved! Jesus loves each one of you more than anything and he wants you to live in paradise with him oneday but if you don't worship him you will burn eternally.

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