Lyric discussion by ringinmyears 

Yeah, definently about her. It seems sort of regretful too. I think its like:

Last year’s wishes [ttyg/fuct lyrics] Are this year’s apologies [he feels bad now]


I only keep myself this sick in the head cause I know how the words get to you [he only puts up with her and writes about her because she likes to brag about being "another line in a song"]

Collect the bad habits ["come back to bed habits" is what i hear. maybe not, but it does sound pretty clever.] That you couldn’t bear to keep Out of the woods but I love [like "we're not out of the woods yet...."]


with eyes the size of baby worlds [eyes like small planets, he talks about how big her eyes are alot.]

maybe this song isn't as "strong" as the rest, since the chorus is repeated like a thousand times, but its still catchy as hell and i love the "Wrists in tact" part. I totally agree with wendyclear on that one.

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