Lyric discussion by SofiaO 

Cover art for What a Wonderful Man lyrics by My Morning Jacket

I read somewhere that Jimmy wrote this song for a deceased friend of his that had killed himself. He wrote it because he was sick of hearing sad songs about dead people especially since there are always good things to remember about them. He wanted to write a kinda tribute that celebrated his friend..

This was all in magazine I read which had an interview with MMJ's front man.. He said something that stuck with me: He said that depressed people are put on anti depressants too soon and that no-one should ever feel that life is so bad that they have to take they're own life. He said, if things get real low, move town, leave the country, start again, do anything but don't go kill yourself. Makes sense doesn't it!

I have a very rare, special & unique insight into this song. I know many people involved both personally & loosely as acquaintances. It is abt a friend who died. He had several clandestine, discreet, NSA homosexual relationships when straight men, curious, experimenting or just horny. First off, these lyrics are wrong in VERY bad ways! A closer look @ what is actually said tells a far more revealing picture about the relationship btwn Jimmy & his dead friend & possibly why he committed suicide. This together w/ other songs talks about Jimmy's homosexual exploration. Only...

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