Lyric discussion by Durang0 

Cover art for Disengage The Simulator lyrics by CKY

I agree with the common theme but here's some (pretty far fetched) thoughts that may or may not have a meaning: "picture in a box bringing.." abandoned picture of a girlfriend (or he might never had the girl, just had hopes for her). They are in a car, the girl and the new guy (who all know each other .. bunch of friends and the girl). "yet the eyes.." the "you not me" refers to that girl or the other guy, they realise its their fault also. "and the first time that you will believe will be the last" , he wasnt taken seriously earlier about his feelings but now he will. .. so next he begins to doupt his actions but its too late, theyre falling. And to fit the mood of the song the listener is chilling with them as they fall feeling indifferent. so its not sad or anything, more like being stoned.