Lyric discussion by DownIsTheNewUp 

Cover art for Mayday lyrics by Dispatch

to me, this song seems to be about someone who is struggling. Their eyes are 'turning grey' and they're 'going down' but we're pleading with him... don't let me go... as in.. hold on, to me if you've got nothing else.

and then, there's all these people... rushing to say man overboard... rushing to point out your trials and your flaws and everything else tragic and private but... funny, we're still here... when we go down... we don't go all the way to the ground... we don't give up there's somethign keeping us on our feet.

and then, well, maybe you' doing fine... but i don't really know anythign about your situation and i won't make assumptions.. i don't need to know the nitty gritty details... but i'm still here... we can still speak... if only through this radio... perhaps through fuzzy conversation.. glances... things that aren't always completely clear or static free but that speak volumes anyway...

anyway.. maybe i'm way off but thats what i'm getting.

the chorus reminds me of one of Chad's State Radio songs "i'll not give myself to the ground"

we go anywhere but to the ground....