Lyric discussion by frfg 

I used to think madonna was vapid and frivolous. but while driving with some pot head friends and passively soaking up the smoke this song came on.

The you in "I've got you" is slurred to sound like 'chu And I jokingly thought to myself "it sounds slike she's saying jew" and I realised she was.

This song is about karbala, (Jewish occultism) Which is the latest obscure religion madonna has beomce involved in.

"There is no, Comprehension. There is real, Isolation."

" There are t-t-t-to many options. There is no, Consolation. I have lost, My illusions. What I want is an explanation."

this is clearly talking about the answers religion provides, anmd through karbala the world can make sense.

This song has an incredible double meaning.

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