Lyric discussion by Sam Harrison 

Masturbation? Please.

I think the drug theory is plausable, but there is so much irrelevant stuff.

My take? I rekon this song started off with a glimour of meaning, and went of at a tangent. As with many songs, this song has lyrics that are tailored simply to fit with the last one.

'Why don't you use it, try not to bruise it, buy time don't loose it' is typical lyrical padding out. I know, I use it a lot in my own songs. I personally Imagine this song being written around the 'Ta Na Na Na' hook, which is a stroke of genius and possibly the best device the band ever used. Its the single thing that turned me on to Duran Duran - for a long while their image put me off. Unfortunately I feel Duran's whole image set them up to date very quickley, right from being named after the evil mastermind out of 'Barberella' to the random ameteur video camera in the 'A View To Kill', and I think it detracts from their music somewhat. Wait a second, I'm getting off the subject. Yeh, I think the lyrics really were built around the phrase 'The Reflex'. It is a brilliant name for a song, but there's very little you can draw from it, so very cleverly, Duran have simply not bothered to write lyrics, just string toghether a load of phrases that are whatever you make them. So as we have seen, you can derive anything you want from it. Like Bohemian Rhapsody, everybody has a theory, but if Mercury had ever let out what that was about it would be a complete anticlimax. This song is a blank canvas on which you can paint anything you like.

I like the masturbation theory, but there is no indication for that. As masturbation songs though, how about Pictures Of Lily by The Who? What a fantastic record.

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