Lyric discussion by catille13 

Wow those interpretations are really incoherent to me. To me this is a song about what it feels like in life to be down and out. Everything seems to be going against him, nothing is going the way it should. In a way, denali is right, it is broken away from the rest of the world, because when things are going that poorly for you that is how it seems. This song isnt by "his spirits", it is definitly by JF. In many ways his music is broken from the world, but thats because he has been through more experiences than almost any other human being has in their lifetime. The one thing i love more than anything about JF is how he says he does not regret the time he spent addicted to drugs and living in a state of dispair. To him it was a learning experience and now he is enlightened because of everything he has been through. John Frusicante's lyrics have more meaning than any I've ever heard.

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