Lyric discussion by rodzilla 

Cover art for I Alone lyrics by Līve

It obviously talks about Satan. It's like Lucifer is talking to humankind. First, he says: I sank into eden with you, just like Adam and Eve did. Then he is playing with the human's mind by saying: and the greatest of teachers won't hesitate to leave you there, by yourself. It's like he's convincing him that God hates him and that's why they were left alone, by themselves, as prisoners of fate or by chance. They were thron away from paradise in a random world with no protection.

On the chorus: I alone love you (God threw away from paradise so I love you because I give you pleasure, and everything you've ever dreamed of) I alone tempt you (I tempt you cuz I'm the incarnation of sin and by pleasing you I make sin) I alone love you (I love you, I give pleasure, does GOD does that for you, no... but I do) fear is not the end of this! (The Devil is the representation of evil so it's like he's telling human kind or Adam or Eve, don't fear I may look devilish and monstruous as represented in many cultures but don't fear, I'm your friend, we were thrown away from paradise now let's help each other, lets support each other, give me your life and your soul and I'll give you everything you've ever dreamed of)

it's easier not to be wise it's easier not to be great Sure cuz you're human and imperfect so won't be perfect and wise and great as GOD. Birds of a feather flock together, see buddy we're the same, we're sinners.

and measure these things by your eyes (cuz men only see what's in front of their eyes, but not what's inside the hearts of the rest of human kind and himself. We only look the outside but not the inside due to our material prison, it's hard to be spiritual, and xtian if you may call it) we long to be here by his resolve (we hope he doesn't get mad at us just because we ate that apple, and he's the one who chooses who goes out and who stays)

all these riddles that you burn (religion, GOD, existence, your mission on earth... sometimes we don't even care about it because there are son many interpretations, we don't which one's right, which one's wrong... so let's live live as it comes, as it is, actually as we see it through our human eyes and let's just forget about those thought that disturbed us) all come runnin' back to you (even though you ignore these thoughts about GOD, Sin, live, mission on eath, heaven , hell, they will haunt you forever cuz their crucial for yer presence here on earth)

So guys... let's just face it... Live rock... they're very spiritual in their lyrics, not religious, but this song ladies and gentlemen is about our dear Lucifer talking to humankind... Thank you very much. Kudos to y'all