Lyric discussion by Elvishswimmer 

When I was in concert and he was singing this song it was awesome... my favorite song to begin with. it was really quite funny cause he made the audience do the dada dadaduhdaduh part over and over again, and then he kept just radomly throwing in "I'm out of my mi-nd" with his eyes all bugged out and creepy smile on, like he really was out of his mind.

but anyways, in the concert at the end he kept repeating "I don't know what it means" or "even I don't know what it means" or somthing along those lines. Which is making reference to the song telling you to "hold his eye and see what it means". I thought i should post it, cause it kinda puts a spin on to it. That maybe he doesn't know where his life is heading, or why the music industry is treating him like this. It almost leaves it open to speculation, like if he doesn't know then who does? you know. Or that he is out of his mind and really doesn't want to think at all anymore.

I dunno, just thought that it was interesting that he sang that in concert!

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