Lyric discussion by xXlastgoodbyeXx 

i think it's time kanye prays to god for half a brain and some basic grammar and vocabulary skills

"the only thing that i pray is that ME feet don't fail me now" SHOULD BE "the only thing that i pray is that MY feet don't fail me now"

Wow, you have made yourself look stupid. Do you think Kanye would actually say 'me feet'? Thats a typing error by whoever posted these lyrics. The line is "the only thing that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now".

If you had ever listened to this song then you would know that. So, the question arises, if you have never heard the song what the hell are you doing posting negative comments on it's lyrics???

This is my favourite song, and as I am a huge Kane West fan I can just laugh openly at everyone hating on him, especially the people commenting on these lyrics. I can TELL that most of you haven't heard enough of his songs, listened to his other lyrics and don't know enough about him to make a judgement about his music. Hell, most of you haven't even heard this song. You haven't got enough background information to know what you are talking about.

WWSD, you are completely pointless. If I wanted, I could go on some bands lyrics and comment about how the music I like is better, or deeper. "Now its time for you all to listen to Tool's Eulogy..." No its fucking not. I'm definately not going to listen to it now you have told me to. I think you must be the first dumb Tool fan I have ever met. Congratulations.

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