Lyric discussion by singsurflove 

the line is "chopping lines" as this song is mostly about the life of doing cocaine. The birthday part could just simpy be that it is about his birthday, as one likes to celebrate things you like to do on your birthday. As someone who has been into and now out of that way of life, i can understand what he is saying in this song. Almost every line has revilance to the lifestyle of cocaine.

"this was a choice, this was never a mistake" means alot. Alot of people look down on someone who has dabbled in the drug lifestyle, but he points out that it wasn't a mistake that he fell upon that way of life, it was something he chose to do, something he doesn't regret. When you are in that state, and even when you are out of it, it was something you wanted at the time, it felt good at the time. For the time being, that was how you wanted your life to be.

Looking back on the time i spent dealing with cocaine, this song fits alot that i felt. I lvoe kevin devine, he is incredible.

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