Lyric discussion by Jayemel 

Summer Shudder is an oxymoronic phrase. Summer is warm and symbolically the twilight of someone's life. It is beautiful and bright. Shudder means "to tremble with a sudden convulsive movement, as from horror, fear, or cold."

In AFI's warmest hour (STS' success), Davey is cold and fearful. Why does he feel that way?

"Listen when I say, When I say it's real. Real life goes undefined, Why must you be so missable?"

He's trying to make everyone listen to his words (lyrics). He's also upset he can't perfect his lyrics to appease everyone.

"Everything you take Makes me more unreal. Real lines are undefined. How can this be so miserable?"

You is the fans he can't reach. How can success be so miserable? How can some be unreachable and some hate them for getting big?

"Under the summer rain, I burned away. Under the summer rain, you turned away."

He is referring to the people who call successful bands "sell outs." They turned their backs on AFI.

"Listen, as I break break the fourth wall's seal Gorgeous eyes shine suicide When will we be invisible?"

This verse is the most important. The fourth wall is the invisible barrier between the stage and the audience in theater. Davey is breaking it with this song, this album, and all the "gorgeous eyes" that look back at him make him want to kill himself (not literally, although who knows, maybe). He wants AFI to be "invisible" so they won't be scrutinized anymore.

Very possible this was the struggle prompting these lyrics from Davey on this album; much like STS breaking from the former AFI sounds ("this art does drown")

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