Lyric discussion by SunDevil 

These lines seem to be under question.... "Unhappiness where's when I was young And we didn't give a damn 'Cause we were raised To see life as fun and take it if we can" ...heres how I view those lines... "Unhappiness"(right now) "where as"(she's comparing the current state of unhappiness to a different state of happiness which was when she was young and didn't have any concerns because children are raised to have fun and enjoy life while they can) "And we didn't give a damn 'Cause we were raised To see life as fun and take it if we can"

Yes. "Where's" could mean whereas or "in contrast too." However, replacing "where's" with "whereas" doesn't' exactly make sense because of the AND in the sentence.

Whereas when I was young AND we didn't give a damn.

You see , it's a fragment. It would make if the AND were replaced with a comma.

Whereas when I was young, we didn't give a damn.

An error occured.