Lyric discussion by gauchekid 

Cover art for The Waydown lyrics by Modest Mouse

At first I thought this song was about the come down of speed.

Now I'm thinking the song is about people with bipolar disorder. and Isaac has bipolar disorder, so do I.

while going through the manic cycle, one is very talkitive and rapidly thinking of new ideas. They also become very forgetful "you move your mouth and you start to talk you close your eyes and then lose the thought"

That might be where that line comes from

Then you go into the depressive cycle, it works like gravity, whenever you come up, you fall back down.

you can create pagers to collect all you calls.

",they created pagers to collect all their calls" when going in the depressive stage I know I stop answering my phone, and I always get a million missed calls.

I could make more explanations,

But I've also been in the "drug scene" and thats why I originaly thought it was about that.